I've had a nice conversation with Marc last Tuesday. Maybe it has been the most interesting meeting I've had with him. We have defined a good path I must follow (finally!).
From the XML file created in OpenSyllabus (the syllabi file) we will make a port to the Moodle courses. Nevertheless, how can I make this port?
Marc's idea is making a new option for Moodle in Moodle course creation. Now Moodle can make courses from Moodle course backups (these backups are also XML files). So we have to make a new option, called "Import OpenSyllabus course", where the user can select an Osyl XML syllabi and import it into Moodle.
Once imported, this course will have all information the XML syllabi defines.
For achieve that, I will do a simple task: adquire a complete XML file for testing purposes, and manually build a Moodle course with all information I can see in that XML file (wiki's, lessons, title, description...).
- Obtain the DTD of Osyl XML syllabi.
- Obtain a complete XML syllabi for testing.
- Make manually a course with that XML.
- Compare the XML backup of that course and the XML file and build a XSLT for transform the Osyl XML into a Moodle readable XML file.
- Define the requirements which can be needed for the "import OpenSyllabus course" tool.